The methods mentioned below aim to improve the health of the environment and minimize some of the harm we have caused with traditional farming. I will attempt to describe the benefits and general outline of these methods, but will direct those who are interested in learning more to check out the resource page. There are many people who have been doing this for a long time, they have a better understanding of all the working parts and are better equipped to answer some of the questions you might have. I am very much still learning and working through it all.
In a quick overview of all of the methods that have inspired me, I will say that most importantly none of them include tillage of the soil as an ingredient in their process. This is one of the biggest differences to the traditional method of farming that has spread across the world over the last 500+ years. While there is an immediate boom in the availability of nutrients for the plants when you till, resulting in lush, productive plants, the exposure of the soil to the rain, wind and sun quickly depletes those nutrients not absorbed by the plants and allows for erosion (There are those that have hypothesized that the “great dust bowl” seen in the mid-west was a result of our farming and tilling practices). Beyond the loss of the topsoil itself to the natural environment, the sun cooks away many of those nutrients that are left and over time crops begin to need lots of help to be as productive and lush. This is when we start spraying fertilizer and adding expensive amendments that are mined (finite) resources from the earth. On top of that, the soil structure that has developed over time is upended when we till it, which means the natural water holding capacity of the soil is diminished, so we have to irrigate more. Not only that, but because we are only planting one plant in one place (monocrop) they become more susceptible to pests and diseases because there are no buffers or natural predators around. This is when we start spraying pesticides. Not only that, but soil and plants are some of the biggest holders of carbon on the planet, so when we turn over the soil and pull out the plants for harvest, we are releasing even tons of carbon into the atmosphere. Not only that… but we get to do this all over the next year.
The natural ecosystems that are most productive in terms of food are forests and savannas, or other systems that include lots of trees. The reason they are more productive is because they capitalize on harnessing the sun’s energy by growing vertically and stacking plants on multiple levels (canopy, understory, ground level, etc.). When we grow food in a row and as a monocrop we are not only decreasing the biodiversity of the area, we are decreasing the ability of the space to harvest the sun’s energy. Growing food is a practice in harvesting the sun’s energy and turning it into food, why not harvest on multiple levels. If there is a tree growing and producing food at 15 ft high (fruit or nut tree) why not grow another food producing bush that is adapted to the shade right below that? How about another food producing plant beneath or next to the bush? What happens when we intentionally plant grapes and vines that want to grow vertically, in a space where we already have vertical trees growing? All of these methods focus on using these patterns, patterns seen in the natural environment, to increase the yield of an area. Plants are adapted to growing in specific areas, with specific climates and conditions, and if we work with the land we are able to grow food in all of these differing areas, we just have to pay attention. It is also important to recognize that a farm cannot be sustainable if it is not economically sustainable, and the goal of a farm is to feed people. So growing enough food to accomplish these goals is also important. Designing a space where it is easy to harvest and maneuver, where lots of food is being grown, is an important tenant of all these methods as well.
There is not one specific method or way of growing that Kindred Oaks Farm adheres to or looks to exclusively. The way we approach growing food on the farm is through a Regenerative Agriculture lens, which encompasses a lot of different methods of growing food. It is a term we use that implies a focus on growing sustainably, with perennial plants, no tillage, on multiple vertical levels, and incorporating as much biodiversity as possible. What this looks like on the farm will evolve over time and be informed by the land around us, but the plants that will be grown will include:
Orchards and Nut Trees
Perennial Fruits and Veggies
Cut Flowers
No-Till Annual Vegetables
Medicinal Herbs
Further Resources
If you are interested in learning more about any of the methods mentioned above please check out the Resource Page. Much of what I have learned has come from others and I want to honor their work and continue to spread the word. If you do not see a resource or reference to something I have mentioned please feel free to email and I will try to communicate where that came from.