Hello everyone! This is Kindred Oaks Farm.
My name is Warren Lee and I am the farmer and caretaker of this land. This farm is located on 18+ acres in Cedartown, Georgia. It is land that has a long history, of which my family has been a part of for the past 4 generations. My hope is that its story will continue for generations to come. While this land’s journey is ever evolving my role in it is just beginning.
Thank you for coming.
Please feel free to explore, sign up for the newsletter and follow along here and through social media.
About the Farm
Kindred Oaks Farm is a regenerative agriculture based farm located in Cedartown, Georgia. What this really means is that we aim to create spaces where food is perennial (comes back every year with out having to be replanted), and growing on multiple levels (the canopy of trees, the understory, bushes, vines, and more). This type of a growing system creates habitat for animals and pollinators, holds on to more water (less irrigation needed), and captures the most sunlight and energy as possible! We are excited to start this project and to share it with others (you).
Consider Donating
The farm is just beginning and could use any help you are able to offer. There are all sorts of ways to support from donating old tools, volunteering time, or sending words of encouragement. Smiles and high fives are always welcome too, and an important part of sustaining the farmer. We have conveniently listed these exciting ways of supporting on pages linked to the right. Otherwise we would love to see you on Instagram, or Facebook and you can also follow along by signing up for the Newsletter.
Thank you so much for your considerations!
The earth has been growing food for a long time, and in many ways has mastered the art. It is the mission of Kindred Oaks Farm to create a food system that mimics the natural ecosystems that have evolved over time, while making it convenient for people to harvest and feed themselves. We believe that people are a part of these systems, and hope to connect people back to the earth and this art of growing food. Our goal is to empower people through this process while creating community around food, and ensuring the land is healthy, so the people can be too.
Upcoming Events
We will be hosting periodic workdays for those that wish to come and see what is going on at the farm, connect to the land, learn a bit more, or for those that simply want to spend some time outside and have some good conversation. We are always excited to meet new people, share what is going on and why we are doing what we are doing. We also love learning new things from you! So come on out. Keep up with our upcoming work day on our events page.
We will also be hosting periodic workshops, community gatherings, and events centered around Sustainable Agriculture methods, sustainable living, holistic health, and more. Our goal is to not only to give local farmers, artisans, and holistic practitioners a space to share their knowledge, but also to build a community of people eager to learn and connect with the land. As we grow, so will our ability to offer more of these workshops and gatherings, so please always check back in or sign up for our newsletter for updated offerings!
“…the care of the earth is our most ancient and most worthy and, after all, our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it, and to foster its renewal, is our only legitimate hope.”
— Wendell Berry
Following Along and
Staying Connected
Sign up for the Newsletter to get updates on about what is happening around the farm and where to find us this spring. This will be something we send out sparingly to start and then weekly as we get more established. We will also have a Blog where we get to talk in more depth about what we are doing and why, perhaps even share some thoughts and experiences. If all of that is not enough, we also have some social media accounts! Follow us on Instagram @kindredoaksfarm and on our facebook page to see pictures and get further updates.